The Golden Ass of 1124

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  • The Golden Ass of 1124

DL Randle

D.L. won The National Film Board Award for Best Pitch (New Players) at the Banff World Media Festival. She studied writing at the Banff Centre w...

Book Description

Never in its history has the kingdom been in such peril from within. King Gorge is a 'Delusional Diabolical Dingbat'. And now he's burning down a valley to build a golf course.

But, from that valley rides Justice. Tasked to lead an underground rebellion against the King from within the Royal Court, the nineteen-year-old dairy farmer is prone to hiccups and fainting. He had but one question when told he was chosen. "ME?"

From his new position as Groomer of the Royal Stool, which places him closer to the King than any sane person would want to be, he tries to suss out the Royal Courtiers around him. Who might be friend? Who might be foe?

There is Tailor Swift (the Royal Seamstress), she has a way with words and a way about her that may cloud Justice's judgement. Dr. Fill (the Royal Chef), the skulking Hyena (Royal News Faker) Melon Head 693 (the 693rd Chief of Staff) and those workers who built, run and hold the Capitol together, the Cheaps, Lowly-Lows and Ordinaries.

Justice just might succeed. But when the explosive end comes and he exposes the King to all, will he be able to run fast enough to escape unscathed?

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