Hannah Discovers The Secret Village of Tajeera

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  • Hannah Discovers The Secret Village of Tajeera

Kathryn Doherty

During the COVID lockdown, my granddaughter's education suffered. Having taught junior college courses, I devoted time creating word/math puzzle...

Book Description

While camping and exploring with friends, Hannah, a good-hearted teen meets Heréntel, the watchman for the village of Tajéera. Tajéera is a magical village that comes alive every one-hundred years. Because of Hannah’s good nature, she is chosen by Heréntel to help Tajéera keep its legacy alive. To do so, Hannah must complete a kindness good deed task within 24 hours or her special friend Heréntel, the Sylphs and all the magical dwellers of Tajéera will turn to dust, never to reappear again in one-hundred years. Hannah’s character is tested as she visits the magical village of Tajéera and meets the elder Sylph, alicorns, chavels, and the many creatures that dwell in this magical village. Follow Hannah through her trials and tribulations, and test of character of completing the act of kindness task and saving the legacy of Tajéera. Her secret adventure makes Hannah a better person.

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