The Rostrum

W. T. Sanders

Born in Memphis, TN in 1958, W.T. Sanders grew up in Roswell, GA, graduated from North Georgia College in Dahlonega, GA with a...

Book Description

The Rostrum, thrusts us into a world of political Armageddon. Picture this: second-rate FBI agent Stan Thompson stumbles upon a colossal plan—one that's about to shake things up. And what's at the heart of this clandestine plot? A rostrum—a platform for public speaking, a pulpit. But in this literary work, it becomes something far more sinister: an instrument of destruction.

Now, here's where it gets juicy. This secretive order, formed during Civil War times, has quietly amassed wealth and power over the decades. And guess what? They're actively working to overthrow the current elected government. 🤯

Enter young Secret Service Agent Matthew Foster, eager to reclaim his family name within the agency. Little does he know that he's unwittingly become an accomplice in a plan that could plunge the entire country into chaos. 🌪️

The novel weaves threads of actual historical events within the U.S., leaving readers pondering: Could it be possible? 🤔

If you're up for a rollercoaster ride through political intrigue, grab a copy of The Rostrum. It's like a mix of conspiracy theories, adrenaline, and a dash of "what if." 

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