Who Is This God? A Handbook for Life with Him

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  • Who Is This God? A Handbook for Life with Him

Paul Bryan

Paul Bryan’s passion has been to know and serve the God of the Bible since he committed his life to Christ forty-six years ago...

Book Description

I wanted you to know I have written a Christian nonfiction book entitled Who Is This God? A Handbook for Life with Him. It’s about God and experiencing Him in the natural and supernatural worlds in which we live.

Back of the Book

There is a pandemic of infectious unbelief in America and the world today!

According to a 2020 survey, ninety-four percent of adult Americans say knowing the God of the Bible is not important. Instead, they have created their own idea of who they want Him to be.

Who Is This God? A Handbook for Life with Him is a Christian nonfiction book that unravels the confusion to help people discover God’s nature and character. In so doing, it demonstrates how you can develop a personal relationship with Him and grow spiritually.

Major themes about God and life with Him include:

  • There is one God in three persons, the Father, the Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
  • God created you to experience His love and know Him personally.
  • Everyone needs to be rescued and born-again to enter His Heaven.
  • God has a purpose and plans for you (your life is not meaningless).
  • The Holy Spirit was sent to dwell within, guide, help, and teach the followers of Jesus.
  • Believers must mature spiritually to live an authentic Christian life.
  • God is supernatural, and you live in the natural and supernatural realms of this world where miracles and other supernatural interventions by God still occur.

Embedded in the narratives and scripture are seventy true stories, which include miracles of healing, deliverance, and protection only the God of the Bible can do. You will also see that God communicates through His Spirit with those who sincerely seek Him.

"Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he pronounced." (1 Chronicles 16:12 NIV)

Where have you placed your faith and trust? Find out now if they are firmly rooted in the solid ground of God’s true nature.

How the Book Is Structured for Learning

All the chapters in Who Is This God? include narratives, Bible verses, and questions. Most also include true stories.

Know what you believe and why you believe it. This 392-page book is a teaching resource for everyone who wants to know the God of the Bible. That’s why this book includes the following:

• Scripture quotations – 660

• What Do You Think? questions – 184

• Personal Application questions – 99

• Practice It – 21

• True stories – 70

The many true stories illustrate the reality of God and the Christian life. They confirm that the God of the Bible is real and actively engaged in people’s lives. The experiences I describe, including the supernatural, are true and without embellishments. Some stories describe unusual experiences. This is true of the Father God speaking audibly to me. He chose to do this as part of His plan to save me and bring me into His eternal Kingdom. You will see that several of us heard a choir of angels sing praises to God along with us as we worshipped Him. Also, you will learn about the haunted house I rented, how God protected me from a life-altering back injury in sumo wrestling in Japan, and how God healed me miraculously on two occasions.

The publisher is Lucid Books. The paperback is $27.99, and ebook is $9.99. Who Is This God? paperback and ebook are available online at:



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